Wednesday 9 December 2009

The end!

A collaboration of all three stamps.
The envelope was made using various layer masks and overlays, i eventually got the image and was overall impressed with the outcome, however the envelope was really small so my stamps had to be minimised and its hard to see the detail within them.

Stamp 2 revised (forgot the queens head :D)

Finished Bee Stamp

Final Bee Stamp,
- From the final model i labeled each area of my model with a seperate ID
- i then applied different materials to each of these groups.
- The material used for the main body i created in photoshop, i used a simple stripe pattern in the colours shown on the model, i then applied a artist sketch texture to the stripes to get a more realistic effect.
- once all materials were applied, i used a noise bump modifier to the bee body and head in order to achieve the texture shown.
- I then introduced 3 omni lights to the stage to get the lighting effect, the omni light in between thw wings have an include so the only effect the wings
- i applied a target spot light to the antenna and also applied an include so it does not effect the head.
- then rendered in desired size and saved, i then opened it in photoshop and applied it to the stamp layout.

Tuesday 8 December 2009


This is my attempt at creating a terrain background which i was going to use for one of my backgrounds on the stamp but it eneded up too dark to be used, i created it using a simple soft selection and added a material to the top with a various amount of bump texture to it

Monday 7 December 2009

Stamp 2 - Frog

My finished Frog Stamp, missing the queens head, but thats easily sorted!
- Again using simple omni lights i was able to get the desired effect on the frog itself
- I created the leaf the same way as in the tutorial fro week 3/4
- I put an omni light directly on it to iluminate the bump effect of the leaf
- Then simply placed the frog on this and rendered


Using different bump maps i managed to create a body of water, i was creating this to get some ideas on what background images to use for my stamp.

Sunday 6 December 2009


The frog texture was created using a simple artist texture in photoshop, i added a bump map to it and got the final result by altering the gloss finish. Although it does look strange with white eyes!